Cars and vehicles are everywhere nowadays, especially in the fast-developing countries. And as these are run by fuel combustion, these produces toxic emissions which are not only harmful to our mother earth but to humans as well. That is why; many experts and scientist are looking for answers to these dangerous toxic emissions from vehicles. So with, for this reason, car companies are trying their best in continuously searching ideas to improve car engines as well as fuel systems to address the issue on pollution brought about by transportation technology. Fortunately, in 1975, the catalytic converter was created to help reduce the pollutants coming out from vehicles.
The function of the catalytic converter is to control the emission by converting the toxic pollutants into the less toxic pollutants by performing oxidation or reduction. The process, by the way, is called redox reaction. And below are some of the amazing facts about catalytic converters:
10 Facts About Catalytic Converters

- The internal combustion engines are presented too along the catalytic converters.
- The automobile market in the United States introduced the usage of the catalytic converter for the first time.
- The two ways converter work with the oxygen combining with HC or unburned hydrocarbons and CO or carbon monoxide. Then H2O or water and CO2 or carbon dioxide will be produced as a result of the conversion.
- The three-way converter was first introduced in 1981 which made the two-way converter out of date. The three-way converter can be used to convert the NOx or oxides of nitrogen.
- Catalytic converters are not only used on automobile system because it is also present in locomotives, buses, trucks, mining equipment, electrical generators, motorcycles, and forklift.
- The 1975 model year of the gasoline powered vehicles should be equipped with a catalytic converter to make it comply the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s stricter regulation of exhaust emission.
- Don’t you know that wooden stoves are also equipped with the catalytic converter? It can be used to control the emission.
- Eugene Houdry was the French mechanical engineer who invented the catalytic converter. In 1930, he relocated to the United States. Houdry was also an expert for catalytic oil refining.
- Oxy-Catalyst was a company that Hourdy founded. He concerned a lot of with the condition of the smog in LA. The air pollution due to the usage of the automobile also became his concern.
- CATS is the short name for the first catalytic converter for smoke stacks that Houdry invented.
Catalytic Converter and Pollution
ThThe catalytic converter is one of the best solutions for the growing pollution to the fast-growing country. The converter might not totally solve the problem of the Earth’s air pollution, but at least its contribution can’t be neglected. Just imagine that if there is no catalytic converter at all, people might be buying fresh air. Or worse, people can’t go out from their homes without masks because of the strong air pollution that might harm them. So for the meantime, the catalytic converter may not be the best solution but it can somehow minimize pollution and can help save mother earth.